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Welcome to 
Wild Moon Rising 

Moon Circles - Retreats - Wheel of the Year Celebrations 

Wild Moon Rising is a collaboration between myself and Hannah who I met at a Sound Healing Workshop at the beginning of 2020. We both have a passion for energy healing, share a deep connection with nature and feel a strong calling to live by the phases of the moon.


Wild Moon Rising is an Online sacred space for like minded soul-sisters to gather in community together to create a deeper connection with nature and the moon, We have a selection of offerings for including seasonal gatherings to celebrate the Earth’s Cycles and sacred Moon Circles to celebrate the new and full moons. All our events are light-hearted, cosy, connected, immersive experiences and nourishing for the soul.  Each gathering we create is a sacred space to connect to a group of like-minded, kindred spirits - find your soul sisters here at Wild Moon Rising and journey together.


To find out more and say hello head on over to our Wild Moon Rising website


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